Spandex Men’s Swimwear Pouch


For many men wearing spandex men’s swimwear is all about the pouch, the way it looks and the way it feels. Pouch sizes come in many shapes and sizes. They are designs for one purpose and that is to package your penis beautifully. The penis is one of the most beautiful parts of the male anatomy and it should not be hidden away. I should be displayed and it should be the absolute center of attention on any high fashion spandex men’s swimwear designs. European men have known this for years and when you walk onto almost any European beach you see men wearing very small swimsuits and doing so with pride. It seems as though men in the USA have been much more shy then their European brothers but all that is changing and in true American fashion we are doing it over the top. The men’s spandex swimwear designs being created in the USA and being shipped worldwide are now considered the most extreme styles on the planet. It used to be bigger was better but now it is smaller is in. There is a right style pouch for your build and there is no need to be shy about it. My penis is on the very small side but I have found thongs and bikinis that display it beautifully and I constantly get compliments from both men and women on the swimsuits I wear. The same is true if you are sporting a large package there are suits to make you look large or designs that have been created to control the look and size of your equipment. These are exciting times in men’s swimwear. Find a pouch that works for your build and run with it!

Spandex men’s swimwear style


Style really is what spandex men’s swimwear is all about. The range of styles is simply huge. You have shorts in many shapes and sizes from long shorts all the way down to the newest micro shorts that show a lot of cheek. You have bikinis in every shape and style. From full coverage to absolute micro bikinis and so many sizes in between it would take a few paragraphs just to go through them all. Thongs follow the a nice selection of front coverage though the rear of all thongs have one thing in common and that is to completely expose the entire ass with just a bit of coverage near the top. Some thongs have a little more crack coverage then others while the most extreme styles might include butt plugs,  tiny strings just covering the hole and other wild styles adding a new dimension to the saying fun in the sun! Even the standard bearer G-string has many different styles of pouch displays including enhancement styles, femme styles, penis shaped pouches including ones that make you look extremely small to pouches that show off the largest hardest members of your body.
Koalaswim Spandex Men's Swimwear

About Us

The Boys at Spandex Men's Swimwear

Spandex lovers of the world unite in the freedom to wear any style you wish no matter how extreme, how micro or how sexy. As a group we wish all beaches were nude beaches but since that does not look like it is going to happen anytime soon, especially here in the USA we are going to do our best to duplicate the nude tanning experience. We have set up this site as a guide for lovers of spandex men's swimwear, brothers in arms, guys like us. We are confident and secure in our sexuality, our body image and the knowledge that we are free to express ourselves with the swimwear of our choice. No peer pressure here just men like yourselves who are interested in furthering the progression and expansion of men on the beach wearing almost nothing.